Mimi, Ques re sections in Favorites Swap...

I think a "Miscellaneous" category would help...

Some recipes just can't be categorized. Also, there's no harm in posting recipes in more than one category if it applies.

And Mimi, I haven't thanked your for setting up this wonderful site. THANK YOU. It's the best Christmas present I can imagine.

How about calling the link "GRS recipes" or something as to not confuse...

people who don't know the history of how this board started. I think I would post everything inside of the "favorite recipes" link if I didn't know how the board came about.

Something that refers to recipes that are already posted, Gail's archived stuff, recipes that were already posted elsewhere, that sort of thing.

Just a thought.

OK I have updated this...

I added categories for One-Dish, Sandwiches and Misc, and changed Eggs & Cheese to Breakfast, Eggs & Cheese. The category description under the name tells you that One-Dish is for casseroles and crockpot recipes (if appropriate, of course!) and that Breakfast, Eggs & Cheese is for breakfast and brunch recipes as well as other egg & cheese based recipes (such as the chile relleno casserole, for example). In the Favorite Recipes description it says that this area is for posting favorite, T&T recipes, and that recipes can go under more than one category if necessary -- so that should be clear to anyone who reads it. Sorry I didn't implement every single idea but some ideas were conflicting with others so I just did what I thought best. Hope everyone likes it!
