My Saturday Six this week

Maybe you could ask to meet her on a day they're closed? Or arrange a visit to the shop

with someone from your culinary school? Often times just expressing an interest yeilds far more than you could ever imagine. smileys/smile.gif

Holy cow! I want to live by you!! Delicious....And by the way, you'll notice that

by and large, I don't prepare my own food. I spend a large bulk of my time attending events, breakfast/lunch/dinner meetings, and eating on the fly (read: fast food) far more than I care to admit.

When I do have a moment to cook, thank goodness I can come here and find great recipes that make it worth the effort! I'd say the living vicarious thing is mutual. smileys/smile.gif

Not yet, I didn't make it out to the store and the cream I had on hand was off. waaa! but I did

make butterscotch pudding - good ole jello - so that will hold me until I get to the shops! I *so* want this! And, like you, I have the industrial blow torch, love that big bad boy. I like to roast peppers with it, and stir fry shrimp! great fun and showy if people are over...

Yeah, it's a blast! (tee hee) My friend Michael taught me

we both have the world's crappiest rental stoves, mine is never hot enough for a decent stir fry so Michael taught me to hold the blowtorch in one hand and apply the flame while tossing the shrimp in the pan with the other hand. Good thing I'm ambidextrous! But it's great, they really come out great and it's kinda fun to be pyro. Maybe next time I do it I should have someone take a picture for me. Mmmm, now I'm craving shrimp....
