New to swap, Would you help with my Cub Scout dilemma?

Mandy. i have a few suggestions--considering the age of the group..

little corn on the cob---Nebraska or Iowa
Chicken and Sausage Gumbo--Louisiana
Brisket on a bun--Texas
Really good wheat dinner rolls--Kansas
Peach Cobbler--Georgia
Apple crisp--Michigan
ham--Virginia or Tennessee


Bologna sandwiches--Washington D.C., of course!

HI Mandy, welcome. How about apple slices (NY) and pineapple slices from HI. Orange slices

from FL sound perfect to me. Guess I'm in a fruity mood ;o) How many states are you responsible for? Good luck, have fun - sounds like a cute idea.

Come back and post often!

Thanks for the laugh. Bologna beats out Senate Bean Soup for Washington D.C. in my book, too.
