
Agreeing with everyone - Cathy;s is really good BUT whatever you do you better do it quickly!! ...

before they keep after you. Also tell Larry straight out that you are not feeling up to it.

If you need any more reinforcement - it's just like drugs, just say "NO!"

Do not feel obligated or bad in any way in saying no to this request. I can't imagine asking someone to do something like this, particularly with a child of this age.

It *is* a compliment that they trust you enough to ask - but, it shouldn't have been asked in the first place. smileys/bigsmile.gif

I have used a variation of this before - it is *very* effective. smileys/smile.gif

"Please forgive me for not answering, and I will forgive you for asking" - when asked something that is no one else's business.

Altho to busy to barely lurk, I have to chime in...

NO, we're not able to handle a baby in this house. Grandma can take care of the baby in the comfort of her own home.
NO, NO, NO! Now go back and read Cathy's first responce and do it today! They will be back every six months for the rest of your lives. Can I say this louder? NO FREAKIN' WAY!

Marilyn, I'm sympathizing with Larry as he's probably as kind a guy as you are. I've appreciated

this NFR chat as Lisa's response is one I wish I had had in my repertoire. I hope I can remember it and of course it's too late for you to use it now.

I am still laughing at how presumptive and sneaky (or so they hoped) these people are and how we were able to turn your situation into a mini-series. What a lesson you shared with us. I hope it works out smoothly.

ROTFLMHO! ErininNY, what a great reply 2 Mar's, cough, cough--'friends'. On a serious note, Marilyn,

take CathyZ from Kauai's advice. She's lived through the horrendous episode you are describing and which could happen to you if you're not adamant about saying NO now.

If the issue is the young age, I'm happy to send you my 2 teenagers to live with you and Larry.

For howeeeeevvvvveeeeer long you like!

Hang tough, Marilyn. Sweet talk the hubs, and be kind but firm with the new parents. They are young, and probably can't truly conceive why ANYONE wouldn't want to spend time with their child. New parents are dumb like that.
