NFRC Any golfers here? I just saw Tiger Woods at the 13th hole

We were at Lake Tahoe skiing, and Bubba and his friend Greg

were at the top of a run, and O.J. skied up to them and asked where they were, he obviously meant which run, and Bubba replied, Lake Tahoe. O.J. gave him a digusted look and skied away. In the mean time, I was tired of skiing and was down in the chalet, and I was watching a very happy woman, Nichole, with her friends. I never approached her, but I watched she and her friends. They were all so happy and having so much fun. So sad.

Skiing in the Laurentians many years ago, we ran into Ted Kennedy and family. In the evening Ted

came into the dinning rooom and a group of Canadians stood up and sang the Canadian anthem. When they were finished another group stood up and sang the American anthem. How silly and embarrassing. Was thinking about this today when I heard he died.

Gee thanks Mar and Ang. It really made me realize what an incredible

life journey we have had together. From that little town with 1 stop sign, and honestly wasn't needed, to living in Saudi Arabia for 12 years and traveling around the world...well, I'm pretty lucky.
