NFRC: Illegal Goats and Garden Mutinies. May I rant?

yes, and then out on the patio when they dance the Lendler(sp). goosebumps for me, everytime.

it was shown on abcFamily channel.

Mutiny Update: they got away with it, and I'm furious. May I rant some more.

It seems that my organization took this garden way too much for granted. Our lease had lapsed. The property owner was indignant that she hasn't gotten a thank-you letter in years (she donates the property, we maintain it and insure it) and so she is honoring the new lease with the gardeners, even though they misled her into thinking she was renewing with the same lessee. We could fight her because she didn't give us notice but we've decided not to. Instead I have to take the high road and compose her a thank-you letter. Ewww.

It's a tiny garden that cost us money every year, but still, I hate it when cheaters prosper!

On a brighter note I have two new prospects for gardens elsewhere in the city, and no leases are going to lapse on my watch.

Ew. Well, now you can put a few new things in place, like an annual thank you letter

and maybe a thank you lunch using produce from the gardens? It's too bad this owner was so easily swayed/fooled by the bad guys. May their veggies get infested by slugs and roses with black spot... Such bad karma to operate in that fashion, and what a headache for you - sorry...

Thanks Heather. It;'s a good thing I don't know how to needlepoint--a sampler with your wishes

would make a tempting anonymous gift.

I like your luncheon idea!

Joe, you are doing exactly the right thing for now -- you'll find a garden elsewhere

Meanwhile, we are instructed to "love thy neighbor", and yes, especially when they are poking us in the eye - or bleating at us as the case may be.

I have to side with the little lady who never even got a thank you letter - it's a simple and courteous thing to do for her donation. I'm sorry she's taking the wrong side, though. She WILL pay in the end with people like that.

Keep the high road and don't stoop to her level smileys/smile.gif

Thanks, I know we're doing the right thing but I still hate it. And I still hate people. And goats.

This organization was run very badly in the past, with poor communication, calls not returned, balls dropped, etc. and we're paying for it. It's my job to turn all that around in the future.

that's why you're gettin' the big bucks!! go forth and prosper and grow good stuff etc etc etc.

Gosh Joe, wouldn't it be a shame if those weasels awoke to discover their stolen garden had been >>

covered with salt and ash? Bet they'd rue the day they'd stolen it. I'm just sayin'. (Nyah-ah-ah!)

Thank you, Snidely Whiplash. Great ideas. I would add...

sow-bugs, dead fish, and that awful shiny, crushed white rock they use all over Palm Springs.

But just in the managers' plots.

Sounds like some good lessons learned...Building goodwill with donated property,

I'm wondering, did anyone ever bring her fruits from your harvest?

These days relationships matter so much. If you can, take a group shot, frame it, and send her a thank you note. If she has a falling out with this new group, it's likely you'll be the first one she calls!

PS. I'm reading a fabulous book called "Farm City" about farming on a lot in Oakland.

It's a very well-written book by Novella Carpenter and in it, she discusses not only her garden but forays into raising chickens, rabbits, and pigs. (I have the audio version & the narration is priceless.)

Joe, I'm thinking you especially would enjoy this book.

I'd take a group shot but we've been locked out of the property, LOL. Relationships really do matter

but this one probably can't be saved. I did draft a letter bowing out gracefully, thanking her profusely for donation and acknowledging the fact that we were remiss in our communications

I also mentioned that our insurance policy has been cancelled, and gave her our non-profit EIN number for her taxes.

I know the other guys have neither insurance nor non-profit status. I'm still hoping she realizes she's been duped, though it's a long shot.

Oh no, this is one of many gardens we managed. My own plot is in a much larger garden, the one that

the goats were in temporarily.

The garden that seceeded is a tiny one in downtown Long Beach. The gardeners have not been locked out--just us upper management types.
