Sooooo...Fess Up! What are YOUR New Year's Resolutions?

I got in the mood, and on a roll, and there was no Woke up today with no I'm happy about that. ;o) Determination and momentum worked well for me. I hope they work equally as well with my non-food-related resolutions.

Let's see

1) Organize - ordering readerware to catalog all my cookbooks. Then there are the photos, recipes, and everything else.

2) get exercise - ordered the Aero Pilates New Years Eve and it's already shipped so I guess I won't be able to put that one off once it arrives.

3) healthier eating - not going to deprive myself but I'm sort of going to do the same things Mark Bittman did - sort of - my version of his vegan before 6

4) get all the stuff out of my freezer and pantry (pretty much) before spring - want to REALLY have a garden this year and REALLY want to can/freeze stuff.

Although not a resolution, it's a continuing project!

We don't have easy access to a lot of food products, so when we find them, we stock them..therefore really FULL pantry and freezer.
We need to continue clearing out, cleaning out, and organizing!!

I've got to figure out how to 'deer proof' mine for one thing

and then I have to figure out what to do. DH has been putting 'raw' wood chips on our old garden plot for the last few years and I know that was part of the problem - it's decaying slowly and robbing nutrients rather than helping.

Think I am going to do raised beds with fresh soil and making it easy to week and work it.

ahhhhh!!!! I've been looking for aprons.... oh well, feels good to get off to such a great start

yes, PLUS what I store for my girls up in the attic -- YIKES! Hate looking up there anymore.

MCM, we have our garden inside of an old dog pen. It has a gate

and keeps large animals out. It works great and keeps the deer out, not to mention our three large dogs. It is made out of that link fencing. It isn't pretty, but it sure gets the job done. I grow vining plants along the fence line. We had a great crop of cukes and beans that way. I also have Bubba dig a path in front of the fence and plant tomatoes and sunflowers there. The sunflowers grow great and I get lots of birds, mostly gold finches who love the seeds. Rabbits haven't been a problem here with the cats and dogs, so I haven't had to deal with that.

2009 was SO bad that I hit bottom during the summer. Closing our business, losing friends, .

almost losing the house, and then a doctor's report that told me I was borderline everything, so I got a head start and tried to turn my life around last fall:

1) Eat more beans!! Me too: It's amazing how many categories this covers! Weight, colon health, finances, cholesterol, blood pressure; beans solve almost everything, and if you cook them thoroughly, they should not interfere with your social life.

2) Organize: My desk is no longer the black hole it used to be. My kitchen is, for once, all in place. It will be a challenge to keep them that way in 2010 because old habits die hard.

3) Go to the damned gym! I hate it, but like going to the dentist, I'm as glad I went as I am glad it's over. Besides, my membership is so old it hardly costs a thing. For the first time in a while, I have no minor injuries to work chiropractor agrees it's now or never to get in shape.

4) Gardening. I think I've finally found a way to make it pay. I'll keep you posted.

Drat! I'm sorry I didn't think about offering them here on larder barter....I was in "get it done

and out of here" mode. ;o)

Pat, you ARE an inspiration. I told Ed I was going to do the closet and he said

"yeah, sure you are". That's another challenge!

Joe, I do hope that things get better for you and all of us. "- - - and if

you cook them thoroughly, they should not interfere with your social life."

Oh Joe, you're da bomb!! LOL!

Exactly Joe, that's what binds us happily together. In my case, beans

turn me into Lady Hindenberg and therefore eating same would not improve my social life...
