Well count me among the unemployed - more time to cook now

I've always wanted to own a farm. I'd love being able to set my

own hours, work at a job I'd love, do something satisfying, eat food I've grown myself (although I'd HAVE to be a vegetarian, 'could never kill my animals!!), and have a lot of space to enjoy life. Especially after watching Endless Feast on PBS the other morning.

Sorry Dawn, either animal needs or weather would rule the day. Although it does have it's rewards,

I'm afraid setting your own hours isn't one of them, more like you'd be working 16 hours a day.

M, that was my "dream" as well..

and I actively explored it, talking with B&B owners about their experiences, and doing a lot of research on it. Then I discovered, oh, I really dont want to do this.

You should hear some of the stories. I have a very good friend who had a stunning old mansion (it was the semi-finalist to film the Addams Family movie) that he finally closed, mostly because he was tired of dealing with nasty people who stole, demanded constant reductions and discounts, manufactured "evidence" to justify the demanded discounts (usually involving some damage to his property), and the general abuse and wanton disregard that the "guests" inflicted upon the old house.

In those days, according to my research, the average B&B had a lifespan of less than 4 years before closing or being sold. Obviously some people enjoy it and make a go of it, but do your homework if you're thinking about doing this.

Thanks to everyone & hugs to us all. I don't think we've hit rock bottom quite yet.

But I am just looking forward to the next chapter in my life. I already had been invited to go to a dinner to talk food with sort of the Who's Who of food in the region and that's tonight. Who knows what will come of it.

Me too Richard....once I found out the "other side of B&B" and that not everyone

is as polite and appreciative as Larry and I, the whole idea began to tarnish.

I think a B&B is a natural thought-extension for those who love to cook/bake and enjoy sharing that process with others.

We're not the only retired people who've lost thousands. Cyn I'm not far behind in our medical

payments. It's been so many years since I've had to see a dr.I hate paying that much.

My husband was looking at some economic indicators on a stock site today and he said it shows the end far away from where we are.

I'll be praying for all of us.

Regarding medical coverage after a layoff - be sure to shop outside of a COBRA

package just to see if you can do any better on your own.

Our COBRA coverage for medical was jumping from appx $700 to $1,300 for the same coverage. We got a separate policy for our family with similar coverage for about $550 p/m with the same provider.

You can get approximate quotes on the Internet at places like e-health.com.

It's worth a look!

Thank you, Lisa, We didn't go with Cobra either, it was more than our current

private insurance. I was not aware of this site you mention, so thank you for that!

Blessings, Marsha

I hope you all come thru this. For some it may even mean new beginnings. Make sure to keep your....

spirits up even though it is a very difficult time.

Well, I'm job hunting too and it's grim. I can no longer afford health insurance

but fortunately we in SF have some options if you are below a certain income (which I am being unemployed) and so at least if something really bad happens I can get good care. Scary though, I don't qualify for private medical coverage due to preexisting conditions. The insurance companies I spoke with said that if you take two or more prescriptions or have any serious medical problems in your past they won't touch you with a 10 foot pole.

Trying to keep a happy face on it and am re-reading How To Eat a Wolf by MFJ Fisher to help with the food budget. And eating over at friends homes as often as I can, hey they are so happy to have me in the kitchen they don't seem to mind for springing for groceries! But I don't wash silverware... muh ha ha hah

Our local Fox station, and hopefully yours (HINT) have been putting on job faris on tv during the

newscast from 5:00-6:30. They've helped put together a lot of people with a lot of jobs that no one knew were available.

Perhaps you can suggest this to your local Fox station If they're not familiar with, perhaps they could call the Fox station in Tampa to find out how they put it all together.

They've done it at least a couple times, also had legal and medical 'fairs' on during news broadcasting.

Some local people have even gone out onto the streets (on the center islands) at busy times with signs and every one of them have found jobs that way.

I hope this is encouraging to someone

Yeah, we are there too, Hub is a consultant so we don't qualify for unemployment.

One thing I would suggest to any of you without health insurance is to at least get catastrophic health insurance, that is what my son and I have. It is a 5K deductable, but if anything happens like you fall down the stairs and break your wrists, the 60+K hospital bill will not bankrupt you. My medical insurance costs $120/mo. Hub is much harder since he has diabetes so he has none. I have warned him that if anything happens, I am shoving him in the car and driving it into a nearby gully. He would be covered under our auto insurance. He thinks I am joking. (smile)
Heather, in CA, if you have a business, the state has to give you health insurance. I made a partnership with hub, and by law they had to give us health insurance. Perhaps you and a friend can start up something. Business licenses do not cost much. I had our insurance through Blue Cross, and it was good, expensive, but I chose a health insurance because I was spoiled from hub having such good insurance.
We have gone through this before, which is why I started working the Farmer's Markets. That is one place foodies can find work. For minimal expense you can start a business. I am looking into it here now. The only thing is the market is different now, money is much tighter. Plus for me, people here know how to can and cook, where the market I was at before, was nothing like that. Just try and keep your chin up, things will work out.

to all in this situation, with your skills, and your personalities, I am sure that something will

open up for all of you. As I said to Traca, my dad told me once that life happens by accident - perhaps this will set you all on a new and wonderful path. Look out for opportunities. I'm holding thumbs for all of you.

Thanks Dawn, I'll look into the catastrophic insurance...

but don't think I'll qualify because of my medical history. I like the business insurance idea though, I have a friend who is also uninsured because her job doesn't offer coverage and she told me about the Healthy San Francisco plan. but it would be so nice not to be dependent upon an employer for coverage...
