What do you take to eat on an airplane? My last trip, the TSA nazi confiscated my peanut butter

They don't give reasons... confiscated my tiny jar of honey, too. Prob'ly wished I had bread, too

It was half a jar of pb and whatever I said they just kept saying "not allowed" "not allowed".... smileys/frown.gif

about getting robbed on airport water...

I'm not at all bashful about drinking the local municipal water supply in most places and I bring an empty water container through the screening and fill it up to my heart's content for free at drinking fountains once on the other side.

I prefer to drink tap water anyway because of my strong feelings about the bottled water industry that I'd rather not support.

they make small squeeze tubes of pnut butter. if those are 3oz or less, you could add that to your

ziplock bag of liquids/gels that get inspected and it might get through since it's within the regs.

I totally agree....but in a busy airport? Have you SEEN the way people/kids drink from the fountain?

ditto on that. I have a friend who volunteers once a month at a homeless shelter

and she likes the idea of quiche, but getting the crust right for 200 people is always iffy.

This would be brilliant for her.

I went to Harmon Cosmetics the other day (not sure if it is a regional drug store); I was amazed

at the number of empty containers they sell designed for airline travel. Squeeze tubes, spriz bottles, regular bottles, small pill bottles, etc. All developed and labeled acceptable to be used on planes.

I am sure there must be some govt travel website that explains what can't be brought on. I am confused why a small container (less than 3oz or 4oz) of PB or honey could not be brought on.

Safe Travels!


I bought mine at a regular grocery store, probably Safeway, by all the jams and pnut butters.Skippy

I think. It was on a trip, maybe for Hawaii.

I'll check my Ralphs when I go to get the Sahale nuts!

BTW, although their website says so, Sprouts does not carry them.

Well, no luck at Ralphs. Been to 2 stores listed at the Sahale website and neither carry it smileys/frown.gif

Cheezz, not sure about PB; I am sure FAA.org or something like that would detail, I had a colleague

that was on a business trip; the security guards were going to discard all of her makeup / moisturizers / Serums, etc. She had them for her eyes / skin / face. MUST have been quite expensive, because she opted for a later flight rather than leave them.

She did not have to pay extra $$ because it was a late night, relatively empty flight. BUT, she came home REALLY late, and had to be at work early am. I am sure she would not have been able to put through makeup expenses on a T&E report, and just opted for the later flight.

The challenges of travel these days!!
