What do you take to eat on an airplane? My last trip, the TSA nazi confiscated my peanut butter

also, sometimes the Sahale items are in the deli section, not by the nuts.

since they are maybe "fancy" food??

Amazon has Sahale snacks. and the Skippy Squeeze tube, but it's 9oz. they also have the small

round .5oz containers that you get in restaurants for breakfast, where the top peels off for a single serving of pnut butter. I forgot about those, but you have to order in bulk. and the tubes are sold in 12 paks. On Google I found single serving Skippy Squeeze Stix, which is very small and looks to be take aboard-able, but I can't find those yet.

I always ask the manager because I know they sometimes put things in strange places...

Sprouts and Ralphs were a bust, and I don't have time to get down to Costco, but will try Bristol Farms and/or Whole Foods this weekend!

The single-serve size pb and jelly reminds me that Smart & Final would probably carry those... hmmmmm

I've always taken PB nabs, fig newtons and two cheese sandwiches (with butter and mustard, no mayo)

The sandwiches are for delays and for when airplane food is really, really disgusting. I've done this for years, even before TSA and have never had a problem.
