What kitchen item do you litterally wear out?

I just melted my third candy thermometer last night. I guess I should pay more for one. made 4

batches of peanut brittle as a graduation gift and really didn't need the thermometer as I can judge now by color/sound. still. they shouldn't melt.

That's interesting about the grinder - we have one that is 17+ years old, gets used

daily, one of the cheap-o blade grinders.

I was just looking at it the other day wondering when it was going to finally give out.

Me, four. I abuse those poor things. And rubber scrappers.

Scrappers(?) Scrapers......


Aside from Spatulas, meat thermometers (which just seem not to work sometimes), cutting boards....

would be my number one. I think I will try bamboo if I see it - the others just don't hang in there. Of course, the plastic ones are
reasonable enough to keep replacing.

Those are just order #s - they come in a set of 2, single or a set with other things

I hate to admit this but they messed up my order and left a set of knives out (I was ordering for several folks in my class). I was ready for an argument after a recent experience somewhere else this year but Chef Harvey was GREAT. They immediately sent out the set of knives and threw this peeler in for free. All I can say is that they hooked me. It's better than my OXO and Kuhn Rikon

I was totally shocked. I thought it was hardened caramel, but the bulb was definitely flattened on

one side. It was just a cheapy from Fred Meyers. I will spend the extra $$ for a good one to have on hand. But, alas, I am not meant for candy making. pnut brittle is about it.

re cutting boards. does anyone remember that ceramic or something board that Giada D used in her

first show on foodnetwork? it always bothered me to hear the knife on that surface, but maybe it's OK. I have no idea what kind of board it was.

Yes, I've found that hard on knives. I'm searching for a good washable board. Ikea's seem to be

curling and wandering all over my counter without any encouragement.

I wear out wooden utensils all the time, but I like to think of them as "seasoned."

Though using the ends of the handles to light our burners (I kept forgetting to buy matches, when we first moved here) was probably not helpful for their longevity...

That's amazing, Ang! You must have had one hot temperature going

to melt that glass! (Marilyn - how hot would that be?) Sheesh, girl! Careful to not start a fire! LOL

the caramel was just at 300. I think the tube was defective and must have been resting on the pot.

I could take a picture for you :eek:)

For some reason I thought micro planes didn't get dull yet I have one that is..

I actually thought it was my imagination!

Yep, they get dull over time. For a less costly replacement you can get just the blade without the

handle. Didn't take me long at all to get used to holding it by lightly gripping the sides. Bed Bath & Beyond carries both with and without handles for a more reasonable price than most cooking stores.
