My six - or rather my four - canning this whole weekend
Saturday canned tomato sauce. I had 2 large containers in the freezer of my roasted tomatoes, roasted garlic and roasted onions. Oh baby - some of that on a pizza... *swoon*. I'll make more, but it all went into the sauce with more fresh tomatoes.
Today I've been canning apples. My brother gave me a huge bag of apples for my birthday. (Yes - this is the same brother who picked all those strawberries, cherries and blueberries hoping for treats and jams. And yes - he got alot of treats and jams). So - today's canning was a batch of Mom's Apple Pie Jam and two batches of apple butter.
Last Monday I had canned chilli sauce - it's a mix of tomatoes, onions, celery, green peppers, vinegar and spices - cinnamon, allspice and cloves. It turns out as a tasty relish that we use on hot dogs, burgers, grilled sausages and the like. Amazing how that smell lingered in the house all week. Now - I like the smell of it cooking - but after a day - it needs to go away. Burning scented candles, fabrezze - nothing worked. Until today and the apples cooking with cinnamon. FInally the smell is gone. But not for long - I have to make another batch of the chili later next week. Oh well - I"ll just have to make more apple jam/butter after that I guess.