C'mon everyone... my Saturday Six

My six - or rather my four - canning this whole weekend

Saturday canned tomato sauce. I had 2 large containers in the freezer of my roasted tomatoes, roasted garlic and roasted onions. Oh baby - some of that on a pizza... *swoon*. I'll make more, but it all went into the sauce with more fresh tomatoes.

Today I've been canning apples. My brother gave me a huge bag of apples for my birthday. (Yes - this is the same brother who picked all those strawberries, cherries and blueberries hoping for treats and jams. And yes - he got alot of treats and jams). So - today's canning was a batch of Mom's Apple Pie Jam and two batches of apple butter.

Last Monday I had canned chilli sauce - it's a mix of tomatoes, onions, celery, green peppers, vinegar and spices - cinnamon, allspice and cloves. It turns out as a tasty relish that we use on hot dogs, burgers, grilled sausages and the like. Amazing how that smell lingered in the house all week. Now - I like the smell of it cooking - but after a day - it needs to go away. Burning scented candles, fabrezze - nothing worked. Until today and the apples cooking with cinnamon. FInally the smell is gone. But not for long - I have to make another batch of the chili later next week. Oh well - I"ll just have to make more apple jam/butter after that I guess.

Aww darn Dawn. So sorry. I had a mishap Fri. night but thankfully

not as bad as you but I'm very lucky. I woke up at two in the morning with my back hurting so I went in to lay on the couch. Lost my balance and fell back on the very large glass coffee table. It could have been very serious but I just got a good gash and a big scrape on my wrist and a jammed toe and a big mess of glass. John never heard a thing and was slightly panicked when he woke me up in the morning. I am very lucky...and have no coffee table top.

My weekend two w/plant update..three if you count all the time devoted to the Breaking Bad marathon

I've devoted some serious time over the last few days watching the Breaking Bad marathon as I'd never watched the show. So all my time has been given to that except during commercials:

I baked a double batch of Alton Brown's Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chip cookies thinking I'd bring them over for everyone helping my SIL move Friday. Then it turns out at the last minute they don't get keys to the new place till Tues and are staying with friends/hotel "homeless" till then. So, I have a huge pile of cookies staring at me with nobody to eat them. (However, I've managed to nibble a few.)

Also, it looks like despite my greatest efforts to kill the strawberry plant (as you can see), it just might be rallying:

http://i788.photobucket.com/albums/yy163/4ebay_bucket/Food/IMG_2282_zps75a3f582.jpg I'm THRILLED to see the green sprout that doesn't look limp/crisp like the rest of the plant death throes.

When first planted:

OMG, hope you heal soon....and hoping you are right handed!

Also, best thing for pain...IMHO is ice. It really helped me through the first several days of my broken ankle.

i am right handed thank goodness.

thanks for the advice about the ice. it really feels good. i am so tired of this already. i will hopefully get in to see the ortho tomorrow and find out i am looking at.

Oh No! I'm so sorry for you! I know this is your market season! Can you get help? I will be

thinking of you....

oh - caramelized onions are my downfall - I always have to make extra because I just eat them all

I'm like that with wooden spoons. Oh, the horror-wrapped delight as a child when we

were given small individual ice cream cups...ICE CREAM!!!that had to be eaten with a small, flat individually wrapped wooden spoon.


I used to try and scrap the ice cream off with my teeth but yet not touch the wood. Tricky.

(I involuntarily shivered just writing this!!!)

Oh the horrors of those wooden spoons!!! I hated them too!

Also, though I likely wouldn't have gone with a fancy crystal glass, if I lived next door I'd likely grab a glass too. Especially if I'm drinking wine, it just tastes really different out of a paper cup or say one of those big red plastic ones (short plastic I'm ok with).

Sally nailed it... Was not about the cup / glass factor (I would have loved a glass) It was the

snob factor. She intentionally upstaged everyone, and over rode the host / hostess.

Thanks Dawn. Whatever this bug is, it is making the rounds here. Feeling much better

But still have some lingering stomach issues.....ick!

My weekend..

Still very ill from whooping cough and I worked last week but went home around 1 pm each day. Wish I could have stayed home the whole week. And this week.

Friday was Diner en Blanc and my friends said just try to go, if I really felt bad I could just go home because it was at City Hall on the plaza and that's pretty close via taxi to my place. We made a lovely picnic but I couldn't eat or drink anything and coughed so much I had to get sick. Ugh. Our menu was lovely though.
roasted veggie foccaccia
crab and cheese spread
chicken pate
assorted charcuterie and cheeses
Sweety drop peppers and raspberries
Oceans of champagne
burrata, heirloom tomato, red onion and basil salad with balsamic glaze (get this at Costco, 2 bottles/pack, stuff is delicious)
chicken kutleyti (Russian chicken cutlets fried in butter)
buckwheat salad with porcini and chanterelle
white bean salad (vinagrette dressing)
marinated fresh mushrooms, Japanese style
demitasse coffee
chocolate ganache gateau with raspberries

I cancelled my opera night the next night and my day at a fair with a friend on Sunday to rest. I really cannot speak at all because it makes me get a coughing fit. Ah well. I'm texting and gchatting with my coworkers today.

Sunday I had Instacart deliver more groceries from Safeway ($3.99 delivery!). Ordered a pack of chicken wings and made more broth. It turned out really good, I can sip that ever couple hours and it helps keep my energy up, plus it has lots of leeks and onion and garlic which is good for the lungs apparently. Melissa recommended an immunity tab so I've ordered that off the web. I'm not supposed to have dairy but I'm using up a quart of St. Benoit meyer lemon yogurt. Need to buy some probiotic tabs I think.

Made more jello too - hopefully this soup/jello diet will help me lose some weight from the whole ankle thing. Good news is the ankle is much better with all the rest. There is always a bright side.

Reading Herbs that Heal and the New Moosewood that I received to review. Pretty books. I want the new Yotam book too. Rene Redzepi is coming to SF in November and I bought a ticket for his talk that comes with his new book, A Work In Progress.

So sorry Dawn...

Pain is bad for healing, did your doctor prescribe anything? What worked best for me, after the initial week post surgery which required dilaudid, is Norco - it's 7.5 or 9.0 codeine and 325 tylenol. You need to take psyllium or something because of the constipation side effect.

Lots and lots of icing also helped. I put a back on the bed and laid my shoulder on it and another pack over the top of the shoulder - 10-20 min on, 20 off, repeat all day and night.

A sonic toothbrush was really helpful and those plastic pre-threaded floss. I had a shoulder sling I wore in the shower. Don't try to carry much with your good arm, any weight pulls on the injured shoulder and that arm will bet really tired from doing all the work. If someone can massage your "good" arm that will help. I slept on my "good" side with a pillow under my arm and another pillow propping up the pillow.

Sending you healing thoughts..
