Meryl, I ate tongue once on a date (years ago) and I thought it was bologna...
It was cut different and when I said how good it was, my date told me it was tongue. It was a great Italian Restaurant near Arcata CA called the Big 4. Best Italian food I have ever had, and people came from far away to eat there. I've never seen it since, but my housekeeper told me she went to a friends home for tacos and was served tongue tacos! Ever heard of them?
It was cut different and when I said how good it was, my date told me it was tongue. It was a great Italian Restaurant near Arcata CA called the Big 4. Best Italian food I have ever had, and people came from far away to eat there. I've never seen it since, but my housekeeper told me she went to a friends home for tacos and was served tongue tacos! Ever heard of them?