Foods, Spices, Herbs - Which ones are on your hate list? I HATE cloves and ricotta cheese. I'm sure

Meryl, I ate tongue once on a date (years ago) and I thought it was bologna...

It was cut different and when I said how good it was, my date told me it was tongue. It was a great Italian Restaurant near Arcata CA called the Big 4. Best Italian food I have ever had, and people came from far away to eat there. I've never seen it since, but my housekeeper told me she went to a friends home for tacos and was served tongue tacos! Ever heard of them?

Hah! You caught me! I put it at the top of the list, and I've never even tried it.

And never will (knowingly. And watch out if you try to trick me!).


A Mexican friend brought us "taco de lengua" without telling us what it was. They were delicious!

They tasted a little like liver.

now that's just ASKING for a sassy comeback, but I'll hold my tongue.... uh... you know what I mean.

Hope you all caught Iron Chef tonight, Battle Offal, a bit strange, some looked wonderful and some??

But but but, you just said "Kalamata and Greek Olives are different," & they're definitely black! So

you're contradicting yourself when you say "all of them...yuck." smileys/smile.gif

Maybe I could learn to like it in context, but I was grossed out be the mouthful I had...

and then all afternoon I kept thinking I smelled a gas leak. Odd, since we don't have gas in the store. It was my lunch container in the wastebasket, with the kimchi.

Yes, but isn't the inja or whatever it's called, supposed to be your

eating untensil? I heard they don't provide forks, etc., since everyone uses the bread to pick up the food. Man, after these two awful descriptions I doubt I'll be suggesting Ethiopian cuisine anytime soon.

Whenever I buy salmon I make sure it's farm raised (milder taste) and

it must be fresh (no fishy odor) 'cause when salmon begins to smell fishy, the taste is way too strong and is a major turnoff for me. I love fresh salmon poached and then made into those Crispy Salmon Cakes (recipe was posted here a while back).
