My Saturday Six...

My Sunday Six

Better half has spent the day making a base for my greenhouse. It's going to be so pretty. I'm putting it up close to my cherry trees. Hopefully it will be up and redy to use next weekend.

I re-potted my tomato plants. They are living in large pots with new soil and lots of fertilizer now.

I made fritatta and a green leaf salad for lunch and it was very good. Better Half's dad came by and ate what was left after lunch. No leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

I had a popsicle for dessert. Chocolate covered orange popsicle. Yum.

I think I will dig out my rice cooker and give it another try tonight. Why does everyone like the rice they make in their rice cooker? I must be doing something wrong.

As for cilatro, I read somewere that 2 percent of the population get the soapy taste in their mouth when they eat cilatro. I am one of them. I wish I could taste the cilatro taste that the rest of you love so much.

About a holiday alone; as someone once said about spinsterhood; once you get over the...

the humiliation, it's really quite enjoyable. So enjoy your holiday alone, Heather. I'll think of you as I cook my hot dog and eat my one serving of potato salad.

Rec: Buck's go to when I don't want to make more fattening stuffed potatoes to serve

with steak. They taste much richer than their modest amount of butter would indicate. The recipe is from an old, old Southern Living magazine.

I've always had a problem slicing the potatoes without cutting all the way through and usually just slice the potatoes and sort of layer then with onion in the foil. However, while looking for something that would work to stop the knife while slicing, I thought of some take-out chopsticks. The kind that you have to break apart and they're kind of square. Found a package in a drawer, laid one on either side of the potato and viola! Worked great. Another thing I've learned is to butter or spray the foil before placing the potato in it to make removing them easier. A little garlic added in is also good, if you really love onions and garlic. We do.

Buck’s Taters

6 large baking potatoes
4 small onions, thinly sliced
seasoned salt
6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) butter or margarine

Peel potatoes, if desired.

Slice each potato crosswise at 1/4-inch intervals, cutting to, but not through, opposite side. Carefully insert onion slices into cuts.

Sprinkle each potato with seasoned salt and pepper; dot each with 1 tablespoon butter or margarine.

Wrap each potato in aluminum foil.

Bake potatoes at 400° for 1 hour.

Yield: 6 servings.

My Sunday Six-

1. I am so happy I was able to drive the car today for the second time (the first was on Friday and I was so anxious I had to take a Xanax), but today it was old hat. It was a pain having to take off and put back on the velcro Iron Maiden, but worth it!

2. My pantry is so happy! It has canned tomatoes, canned beans, all the other items it has been missing for the last month.

3. My mother-in-law is coming on Friday, and will be looking for property to buy and relocate she and my sister-in-law. This is a good thing.

4. I received great produce from the co op delivery; peaches, mangoes, pears, artichoke hearts, Vidalia onions, cilantro, tomatoes, raspberries, all organic and so fresh. The green beans were a let down and I have to request a credit for those.

5. School is out for the kids and I am loving it. This school district in on the agricultural seasons so the kids get out early and start early. No rushing around in the morning, I love it. Ask me again at the end of Augusthow much I am loving it. smileys/smile.gif

Well, I had really wanted roast chicken and didn't realize it would be too salty until I roasted it!

My Sunday Six

1. What happened to Saturday??

2. Went out for brunch today -- special treat -- try out the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort. Beautiful drive a couple of miles into the grounds -- all wilderness, in Bastrop County next to the McKinney Roughs Nature Preserve. Really beautiful! Hikers and mounted riders all taking advantage of the beautiful day. The food, however, was no treat. I wish we had gone to the Driskell Hotel -- we'd have spent the same money and had some well prepared, delicious breakfast treats. They didn't even try to make presentation an issue -- no garnishes, the Texas Benedict (promising to be a spicy chilpotle - bbq version of the classic) was room temperature and virtually tasteless. Oh, well -- it was a pretty drive, anyway! (actually I wish we had gone to Magnolia's!)

3. Drove by a house we are thinking about....

4. Drove around our property we have been planning to build on -- visited the bat house and noted that there are LOTS of bats living in there!

5. Washed the pristine raspberries I bought at HEB on the way home to salve our disappointed palates! They were delicious over Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla!

6. Sat down to plan 1200 calorie meals for next week -- gave up and came over here to see what you guys were up to! Go, Randi!!!!

Dawn, can you explain the school timing? Just curious...For the Mango, I would recomend Pat's Cous

Pat's Couscous Carnivale....Brought it today for a picnic. Well rec'd and enjoyed by all (Tx again Pat)

Well I am only guessing on this, but we get out really early so that the kids

can help their family in the fields. This is a farming community. They need the kids out in the fields helping on the farms. Our spring break is 3 days total. We have to make up snow days, but other than that, we are out usually out by the third week in May. It is hard to grasp sometimes, but the rural areas are a throw back in time. It is a time when you needed the family in order for the farm to succeed. I like it actually. I have never met more polite and helpful kids anywhere I have ever lived. It took some getting used to that when you would drive down the county road, where we live, every driver you went past would either raise their hand or nod their head as they drove past you to greet you. And then there is Officer Otis, well actually his name is Officer Richard, but that's not right, it should be Otis.

Sounds like a lovely area. What a difference it must have been for you and the family from SanDiego

Your area sounds absolutely lovely... coming from L.A., we only see this in museums,

behind bullet-proof glass smileys/smile.gif

That was a score. Maybe you can find this one as well...A Little Taste of by Priya

Wickramasinghe...Bay Books. I have had such fun with this little book. It's divided into the provinces, in general. We've enjoyed almost everything I"ve made from it. I think Jaffrey would be my favourite, but this one is more fun, somehow.

I've posted some recipes from it in the past, especially the Lamb Biryani.
