My Saturday Six...

I hate to be disappointed at a restaurant. What's a bat house?

I'd give a lot for some nice tasting raspberries right about now. smileys/smile.gif

I'd love to show you my bat house, but I can't figure how to get the image on FK!

It's called a rocket model -- DH built it and mounted it on a pole in a clearing on our property. We have a wildlife preserve classification, and maintain habitat for all sorts of critters. We've set up chairs at sundown from time to time to watch the bats -- tons of fun!

Do you think they make a difference to the bug population? We used to see bats in our

backyard but have not now, for years. We live right in the city, but border a woody park with a major stream. We get about every kind of character here but you reminded me that we haven't seen bats lately. And the mosquito population is increasing. I"m sure we could find room for yet another home in our yard, as long as it doesn't increase our tax asssessment.

The right kind of bats eat many times their weight in bugs!! We have Mexican Free Tail bats, they

love, love mosquitoes and other night flying bugs!

Imagine sitting around the rim of the trees at sundown with a glass of wine and watching hundreds

of bats joyfully dropping down the pole from their 'condo' and flying around in circles before leaving to gorge themselves on all those BUGS! Sweet!! They say up to 500 bats can live in there -- we have counted up to 150, and gave up for dark.

Heather, "slices" are very traditional lunchbox treats in Australia, many variations.

almost any "bar" cookie is called slice, but most have a shortbread-like pressed in crust. the link is for an Australian site with many good recipes.

OK, Nan sent this to me as well. hmmmm, is she trying to tell us something?

or just being the kindly cyber-enabler?

Not as nice as Pat's yard, but bats in Austin are a big tourist attraction. More than 1 million live

under this bridge and emerge at dusk making quite a sight. When I lived west of Austin, there were a lot of bats swooping around our neighborhood at night.
