Often, but not always. My parents cleaned hotel rooms and mowed lawns...
...when they were just starting out.
Not glamorous, but it paid the bills.
My thinking is that whenever we have been faced with a problem in business, agri-business or the hospitality industry, the American entrepreneur has often invented a new way to bring the product or service to market at a reasonable price. We shouldn't rely on illegal labor to get this done.
Of course that new method or invention has often been at the expense of the immigrant, or the environment, or both. That's what laws are for. Keep everyone honest.
All I ask is that we all play on an even field. Immigrate here LEGALLY, please. Just like my relatives have to do.
Amanda, unless you've been here, in Arizona, in the last 5 to 10 years, I guarantee what you have experienced is waaay different from what we have been subjected to.