It's not until June, but is it ever too early to obsess about a menu? Jacques will be turning 60 (!)

Traca, my mom used to do this with savory bits stuck into an eggplant. I didn't know there were

other uses for eggplant, such as cooking it.

Traca, all these images are fantastic. I'm getting lots of inspiration. I see a Sputnik theme

taking shape, with Cathy's cabbage, Diana Rigg's headpiece, and the toothpick-studded pineapple each looking like galaxies. I'm not sure where Joan Collins' beaded dress will fit in but I'm working on it!

Joe, I spose you already know, but there is a soda shop in L.A. That sells every brand

Ever can get any of these old fashioned drinks in glass bottles, although it may be pretty expensive for 60 people!

Cream Puffs, Clams Casino, Sweet and Sour Meatballs, Onion Dip with Liption Onion Soup...

I'm embarrassed to admit just how current Lipton Onion Dip is around here. With Real Ruffles.

No, I had no idea. Thanks! Our crowd tends to stronger drink but I could do a great centerpiece.

I'm going to look into Clams Casino, and I think I've decided on Swedish meatballs. Not IKEA.

(*Snicker* Michael said Pu Pu.) I didn't hear this term until the 90's. Does it go back that far?

I was already thinking rumaki.

This just made me want to say: Sock-it to me, Sock-it to me, Sock-it to me!

So now you're going to have to decide to go early 60's Mad Men style or later, Laugh-in style!
